When beach season approaches, it’s not just women who begin anxiously working toward a slim, trim physique. Men also want to look their best, as evidenced by the continuous rise of males undergoing cosmetic surgery. Among the top options they’re choosing to get a beach-ready body is male breast reduction.
Statistics show that nearly half of the men in the US experience some degree of gynecomastia, enlarged mail breasts formed by excess fat and glandular tissue. It’s often caused by genetics, hormonal changes during puberty, massive weight loss, or use of certain medications or herbal products and can affect both teenagers and adult men. Fortunately, male breast reduction by an experienced cosmetic surgeon can restore a firmer and more masculine contour to the chest.
Ranking fourth among the top cosmetic surgeries chosen by men in 2015, male breast reductions numbered more than 30,460 – a 26 percent increase over 2014 and a whopping rise of 173 percent since 1997, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The procedure offers near immediate, long-lasting improvements with minimal scarring and most patients return to their daily routines in less than a week.
If gynecomastia has you self-conscious about baring your chest, now is the perfect time to make a change – before the summer season heats up. Call 904-396-1186 to schedule a consultation with Jacksonville’s Parkway Plastic Surgery today.
Tags: gynecomastia, Jacksonville, Male Breast Reduction, Parkway Plastic Surgery
Posted in News by appsoft : April 15, 2016 - 2:41pm | Comments Off
Parkway Plastic Surgery
Is offering the following specials until
April 30, 2016
Skin Medica Peel Package $375
3 Chemical Peels
AHA/BHA cream
Travel size Facial Cleanser
Travel size Total Defense & Repair
Trial size TNS Eye Repair
$50 instant rebate off a full syringe of Juvederm facial filler ($600 reg price)
(must be enrolled in Brilliant Distinctions program-while rebates last)
Free gift with purchase of any Clarisonic Smart Profile unit
Services by appointment only
(904) 396-1186
Posted in Specials by admin : April 6, 2016 - 4:08pm | Comments Off

With kids and college students on break, the summer is peak travel time in the US and abroad. While a change of scenery can do a world of good, it does disrupt your daily routine – Great for your psyche, but not always so great for your skin. To help protect your complexion throughout your much deserved excursion, Jacksonville’s Parkway Plastic Surgery offer these five tips.
- Mind the climate: Trips to areas with significantly different climates can wreak havoc on your complexion, so it’s critical that you do a little research before setting out on your journey. Drier weather can sap the moisture from your skin, while high humidity can trigger an acne breakout. So, if you’re traveling to an area drier than your own, be sure to pack serums or lightweight moisturizers. And if you’re headed for a more humid locale, pack a cleanser with salicylic acid and a high-quality exfoliator.
- Streamline your routine: Whether you’re driving, flying, traveling by rail or sea, or taking to the trails for an extended hiking trip, it’s likely that taking your full skincare regimen with you will prove difficult. Opt instead for smaller containers of your favorite skincare products or samples of new products. Have you tried Skin Medica? Throughout April, Parkway Plastic Surgery will send you on your way with a travel size Skin Medica Facial Cleanser, Total Defense & Repair and TNS Eye Repair as part of its Skin Medica Peel Package special, which also includes three chemical peels. Just be sure to start using your new skin care products about three days before your departure date so your skin has time to acclimate.
- Keep it healthy: The temptation to throw culinary caution to the wind can be a tough fight while on vacation. Enjoy a splurge at the dinner table here and there, but be sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle while traveling. Make use of the hotel gym, make healthy menu choices, drink plenty of water and get adequate rest.
Make sure your skin is travel-ready with a visit to Parkway Plastic Surgery. Call 904-396-1186 to schedule a consultation.
Tags: Jacksonville, Parkway Plastic Surgery, Skin Care While Traveling, Skin Medica
Posted in News by appsoft : April 1, 2016 - 1:54pm | Comments Off