The Clarisonic line of skincare brushes are proven far more effective at cleansing your skin than using your hands.
Gadgets marketed with the promise to make your skin smoother, brighter and more beautiful are a dime a dozen. Truth be told, many are far more effective at clearing your bank account than clearing your complexion, and it’s tough to know which products really will deliver what their packaging promises. That’s why Parkway Plastic Surgery only carries the most trusted and proven skincare products. And among our favorites is the Clarisonic skincare brush.
Created by the makers of the game-changing Sonicare toothbrush, the Clarisonic line of skincare brushes has proven a game changer, too. Designers of these devices revolutionized skincare by harnessing the power of sonic frequencies drive oscillation (directional movement of the Clarisonic brush heads) between 200 to 350 movements per second, working with skin’s natural elasticity to beautifully transform your skin’s texture and appearance. Originally developed for skincare professionals to use in treatment, then tailored to meet consumer demand, Clarisonic skincare brushes boomed in popularity, becoming the top cleansing brush recommended by leading dermatologists, aestheticians and spa professionals.
Here’s why:
- Clinical studies show Clarisonic brushes remove 30 times more pollutants from your skin than cleansing with your hands;
- Clinical studies also show that using Clarisonic allows for 61 percent greater absorption of Vitamin C (a highly potent antioxidant used in many top-quality skincare products) after use;
- 94 percent of consumers report softer skin and 90 percent report more radiant skin after using Clarisonic.
Amp up your skincare routine with a Clarisonic skincare brush. Pick up yours at Jacksonville’s Parkway Plastic Surgery, conveniently located on Gate Parkway on the Southside. Call 904-396-1186 to find out more.
Posted in News by appsoft : September 28, 2014 - 3:55pm | Comments Off

The holiday season is just around the corner, starting with Halloween next month. Glam up your holiday look with cosmetic services by Parkway Plastic Surgery.
The holiday season is right around the corner. So, now is a great time to get glam with cosmetic services by Parkway Plastic Surgery. Here are three ways to make sure you look gorgeous for those Halloween parties, Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas celebrations and New Year’s bashes…
- Chemical peels: A customized chemical peel can help clear away the signs of sun damage that may have accumulated over the summer by removing the damaged outer layers of skin and leaving you with a smoother, brighter, more youthful look. Formulas can be tailored for your particular skin condition and desired outcome. Best of all, depending upon the strength of the chemical peel formula you choose downtime may be minimal. Chemical peels also help treat acne, wrinkles, freckles, age spots, liver spots and scars.
- Botox or dermal fillers: Injectables like Botox, which helps to relax overactive facial muscles, and dermal fillers like Radiesse, Juvederm and Restylane are among the quickest and most effective ways to smooth wrinkles, plump lips, augment cheeks, erase under-eye circles and reduce the appearance of scars. Your skincare specialist will help you choose which option is best for you.
- Permanent cosmetics: The holiday season no doubt is a busy one. Permanent cosmetics can help assure you look your beautiful best while minimizing your makeup routine. Our permanent makeup can be expertly applied as lash liner, eyeliner, eyebrow color or lip enhancement. Spend less time in front of the mirror and more time at the party.
Get your look holiday-ready with a call to Jacksonville’s Parkway Plastic Surgery at 904-396-1186 today.
Tags: Botox, Dermal Fillers, Holiday Season Beauty, Jacksonville, Parkway Plastic Surgery, Permanent Makeup
Posted in News by appsoft : September 15, 2014 - 3:11pm | Comments Off