Each October is celebrated as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an international health campaign designed to boost awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. It’s a worthy cause, particularly considering that one in eight US women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime, according to Breastcancer.org. That statistic reflects an estimated 231,840 new invasive breast cancer diagnoses expected in 2015 alone.
But for breast cancer survivors who undergo mastectomies, the physical and emotional scars can be devastating. That’s why it’s critical that you know your rights under the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act, also known as “Janet’s Law.” It’s named for Janet Franquet, a Long Island woman diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer in late 1997. When her insurance plan refused to cover reconstructive surgery following her mastectomy and chemotherapy treatments, deeming it purely cosmetic, Franquet’s surgeon, Dr. Todd Wider, performed the procedure free of charge. He then launched a history-making campaign that culminated in the October 21, 1998 enactment of the WHCRA.
Administered by the Departments of Labor and Health and Human Services, the WHCRA mandates that group health plans, insurance companies and health maintenance organizations provide coverage for reconstructive surgery after mastectomy for breast cancer. It also prohibits so-called “drive through” mastectomies, wherein insurance carriers attempt to limit breast cancer patient’s hospital stays in order to save money.
The WHCRA requires full coverage for:
- All stages of reconstruction of the breast on which the mastectomy was performed;
- Surgery and reconstruction of the other breast to produce a symmetrical appearance;
- Prostheses;
- Treatment of physical complications of the mastectomy.
Studies show that undergoing a mastectomy brings a heightened risk of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and fear of social relationships among women. If your breast cancer treatment includes a mastectomy, Jacksonville’s Parkway Plastic Surgery can help restore your look and your self-confidence. Call 904-396-1186 to schedule a consultation today.
Tags: Breast Reconstruction, Jacksonville, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Parkway Plastic Surgery, Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act
Posted in News by appsoft : October 20, 2015 - 2:00pm | Comments Off

Chemical peels have proven among the most enduringly popular and effective skincare treatments offered by clinics for some 50 years. Among the latest and greatest are Skin Medica’s Vitalize, Rejuvenize and Illuminize peels.
Which is best for you?
- Vitalize: A Vitalize peel is great for treating mild to moderate skin imperfections such as age- or sun exposure-induced fine lines and wrinkles just beginning to form, as well as uneven skin tone and texture often caused by acne scarring or other pigmentary changes. You’ll notice smoothing results after just one peel and it just gets better with each of three to six peels (administered every three to four weeks) that make up a typical treatment course. Don’t be alarmed if you notice a yellowish tinge to your skin just after a treatment session. It’s normal and will fade within three hours. Mild to moderate redness and peeling will last for a few days or a few weeks, depending upon your skin’s sensitivity level. This peel is safe and effective for all skin types and tones.
- Rejuvenize: If your skin imperfections range from moderate to severe, a Rejuvenize peel may work best for you, particularly if you have lighter skin. While this peel can be performed on dark-skinned patients, those with deeply pigmented skin color may be more prone to slight discoloration. Your physician will be able to determine tolerability before recommending a Rejuvenize peel. Expect mild redness and peeling in the days or weeks following treatments.
- Illuminize: If you’re new to chemical peels or simply looking to achieve an over-all brighter, more radiant appearance to your skin, Skin Medica’s Illuminize peel is a top choice. This peel effectively addresses mild skin perfections in patients of all skin types with just one treatment. Plus, there’s no downtime. Though you may experience mild redness temporarily, it can be covered with makeup and your skin won’t peel.
Now is perfect time to find out just how an expertly administered chemical peel can improve the look and health of your skin. On Thursday, October 29, Jacksonville’s Parkway Plastic Surgery is offering its “Ultimate Peel Deal” special by appointment from 10am-4pm. A $150 deposit will reserve your spot and can be used toward a customized Skin Medica skin care package, which includes a second peel. There are a limited number of spots available, so call 904-396-1186 to reserve yours today. Meanwhile, throughout October enjoy $10-per-unit Botox (bankable for future use) and a free 3-ml tube of Latisse, the foremost treatment for longer, thicker, darker eyelashes, with the purchase of a $149 5-ml tube – a savings of $99.
Tags: Botox, Chemical Peels, Jacksonville, latisse, Parkway Plastic Surgery, Skin Medica
Posted in News, Specials by appsoft : October 10, 2015 - 1:43pm | Comments Off
Ultimate Peel Deal
Please join us
Thursday, October 29, 2015
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
By appointment only 904-396-1186
Space is limited!!!!
- $150 deposit required to save your spot!
- Receive a FREE Skin Medica Peel
- Your deposit is a credit towards your Skin Medica skin care package purchase (packages include a 2nd peel)
Botox is $10 per unit all month long!
You can also BANK YOUR BOTOX at $10 per unit for future use. Call for details.
Latisse BOGO!!!
Purchase a Latisse 5ml for $149 and receive a FREE Latisse 3ml (valued at $99)
Posted in Specials by admin : October 5, 2015 - 3:22pm | Comments Off