Are You a Candidate for Kybella?

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Among the most exciting advances in the field of beauty is KYBELLA, an injectable prescription medication developed to improve the appearance and profile of submental fat below the chin, commonly referred to as a “double chin.” Approved by the FDA in April, KYBELLA uses deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath your skin, KYBELLA dissolves existing fat cells and prohibits the accumulation and storage of new fat. The result is a smoother, shapelier, younger-looking profile.

Good candidates for KYBELLA are healthy individuals who want to get rid of submental fat under the chin but don’t want to undergo surgery and are willing to wait a bit for results. A typical treatment regimen involves up to six treatments spaced four to six weeks apart and can cost upward of $1,500 per treatment session.

You’ll want to delay KYBELLA treatments if you:

  • Have an infection in the treatment area;
  • Have had or plan to have surgery on your face, neck, or chin;
  • Have had cosmetic treatments on your face, neck, or chin;
  • Have had or have medical conditions in or near the neck area;
  • Have had or have trouble swallowing;
  • Have bleeding problems; are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, as it’s not yet if KYBELLA will harm an unborn baby;
  • Or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed, as it’s not yet known if KYBELLA passes into breast milk.

If you’re considering KYBELLA, it’s critical that you share all applicable medical history, as well as your goals and expectations for the procedure, with your physician. To find out if KYBELLA is right for you, call 904-396-1186 and schedule a consultation with Jacksonville’s Parkway Plastic Surgery.

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